We are Nigeria’s leading user of marketing and branding buzzwords. White hat SEO, edutainment, shoptimization. We say those for free and have a long list of them.
Then we take those words and cook them in pots of codes, users ideas, your passion and goals to deliver plates of sizzling websites, high ranking pages and content, products and services, and brand image.Who Qualifies?
You understand WordPress.
You know more than just using builders, and can actually write code, particularly PHP, Javascript, HTML, and CSS
You understand WordPress structure and are not confused when you need to create child themes and plugins and edit their code
You can show proof of the WordPress websites that you have built
You are creative and can think of different custom designs for each project you work on
What’s in for you?
World-class projects with brands in Nigeria and outside the country
Slight flexibility: you might not need to come into the office everyday
Training to improve your skills from time to time
A wonderful team to work with
Source: MyJobMag Job Feed
To apply, please visit the following URL:https://www.myjobmag.com/a_fields.php?id=224532→
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